Gone back in time when the paycheck was in the cash register. Enterprises now transfer money to employees’ bank cards. Employees sometimes find it unprofitable to have a card offered at work.

What should you do when your employer’s offer of a payroll bank diverges from your interests?

It is not difficult to change the salary bank – this right appeared in 2014, when the new comments in Part 3 of Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation came into force. However, such a desire may come into conflict with the interests of employers and cause a number of troubles.

It is worthwhile to understand in more detail how to choose the right salary bank and what rules to follow in the process of replacement.

Reasons for a salary card change

An employee may decide to change the credit organization that services the payroll project for many reasons. Among the most common reasons for changing the payroll bank:

  • Family members have other cards, so there are difficulties in transferring funds;
  • Insufficient number and inconvenient location of ATMs;
  • difficulties in using the Internet bank;
  • Unfavourable transfer of funds and payment of bills;
  • Poor quality of work with clients;
  • Absence of credit privileges.

The last point is important because of the difference in interest rates on long-term loans: mortgages and car loans are very significant. If there are no special conditions for employees, this is not the best salary bank for the client.

Payroll project change algorithm

When an employee arrives at the enterprise, he or she is issued a new debit card of the bank with which he or she has concluded a service agreement. If a person already has a card and plans to receive money for it, it is necessary to specify its details in the application submitted to the accounting department.

If an employee wants a salary project of another bank, he or she must first open an account with a credit institution and then write an application (template). It is important to specify the account details correctly, it is better to request them in the bank or via the Internet.

Organizations should not prevent employees from choosing other salary projects independently. The accounting department may be dissatisfied with this application, but this is due to the fact that accountants will have to do additional work.

Sometimes a new employee signs a collective agreement with the requirements of their mandatory participation in the salary program chosen by the employer. Then it will be difficult to use another card, and you will need to sign additional agreements. In all other cases, the employee has the legal right to change the salary card bank.

Terms of replacement

The application to change the salary bank must be submitted at least 5 days before the date of its intended issue. Otherwise the salary will be transferred to another card or you will have to get it in cash.

Depending on the size of the company, it can take up to 15 days for the salary card to be replaced. This is due to the fact that it is difficult for large organizations to process all incoming applications in time and change the details.

The whole process of changing a credit organization may take from 7 days to a month.

Cost of changing the project

If a person agrees to use a card offered by an employer, the enterprise bears all the costs of its issue and maintenance.

If another bank card is selected, the conditions for the client are less favorable. The company may refuse to incur additional costs, so all the costs of servicing the card are borne by the employee. Usually banks offer inexpensive or free packages of services.

Delays in the payroll

There should be no difficulty in transferring the employee’s salary to another card. At the very least, the employee can get the money in the evening, and the rest in the afternoon, but within 24 hours.


Everyone chooses a credit organization depending on their preferences. For someone it is important to have a wide network of ATMs and terminals, branches. Another client appreciates more the conditions on which financial services are provided to the holders: favorable rates on loans and deposits, accrual of interest on the account balance, price of plastic issue for salary customers. You can choose a card with a cache and earn extra money on it.

Today, an employee can decide for himself which card to use. He or she has the right not to use the card he or she was given at work, but to open another card and ask the accounting department to transfer his or her salary to it.

Companies do not always look favourably on such initiatives, but, most often, they cannot refuse. Further changes in the labor code should facilitate understanding between the organization and its employees in this matter.

If you want to change the salary card bank and do not know where to start, we advise you to pay attention to our online payroll project selection service. With its help you can easily get advice on the main parameters and choose a convenient tariff.